Dick was larger than life and loved everyone he came in contact with. I don't mean just "loved" but, agape loved.. it was an all encompassing love. He knew and remembered everyone that came through the doors of his church and if he got your phone number you would, of course, be called by this man!
He was loud "when I first met him" boisterous and fun. He knew every sport like the back of his hand and loved to hunt. He was charismatic and joyful and made an impression on everyone he met. I don't think there were many people in Orange County that did not know Pastor Dick. His service held hundreds of people and there were so many familiar faces for Dave and I to see and reminisce with.
His memorial service was wonderful. It was exactly what Pastor Dick would have wanted. He was with us surely through the whole service! His son, Dave, asked him what he wanted his service to be like and Dave Reeve delivered his father's passion and message so beautifully!
My Dave had been planning a lunch with Pastor Dick for months. I had asked Dave to include me in the lunch... and that we should have Donna join us, but Dick's failing health made that hard to schedule. Dick was in remission for a short while, but the disease of cancer came back and with fury. (His family did pray that either he be cured or that God would take him quickly from his pain. God delivered... He took Dick quickly and ended the pain of his cancer!)
My intentions to go to lunch with Dick and Donna were to share with them how much they meant to me. To tell them that they had given me so much over the years. I wanted them both to know how much I loved them and appreciated what they did for me and for so many others. What did they do? They simply loved us! But it isn't that simple. Their love for Jesus came through their pores and through their lips and in their hugs. It wasn't a passing love, but a enduring love.
My point here is to say that we (man) lost a great man, and God gained an incredible man. I know that Dick will be waiting for us all. AND, I do mean us ALL! He touched so many people. He grew up and raised so many pastors, he was a good and faithful servant who served God lovingly, willingly and with so much joy.
Another point I am trying to make is that........ we shouldn't put off to tomorrow what we really want to do today! I will never have the chance to tell Dick, verbally, what he meant to me, although I bet he already knew. I hope he knew.
And....sometimes we really don't know what gifts we have had until they are gone!
If you love someone...pick up the phone right now. Sit down and write a letter. Or visit that person today. We don't know what tomorrow will bring us. But, we do know that "today" we can make something happen, tell someone we love them and make a difference in someones life!
Don't let the busyness of life stop you from connecting to those people you love. I let that happen... I will do my very best to not let that happen again!
There is a saying that says to practice kindness. I say, practice the love of Jesus, wherever and whenever you can! Make a difference, just as my pastor Dick Reeve did. Just like his own family is doing now and just like my husband Dave does every day of his life. Love one another. Don't let the sun go down on your anger. Practice forgiveness and grace. Change your life and you could change someones else's life.
Dick, may you rest in peace! Although, I know you are dancing and catching up with your Father in heaven, and with past sport's legends.... and today for you is pure bliss!
God First,
Then Everything Else!
My love and blessings to you all!
In Jesus' Name ( in His essence) Amen
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